ReCatechism 3: The Divine Liturgy
We all need a better relationship with Jesus Christ. Learn how to transform your life by thinking, praying, offering, loving and becoming like Jesus.
The Sacramental life of the Orthodox Church is a journey that we participate in throughout our life. Learn more about how to better understand the sacraments and make them a part of your own personal journey to God’s Kingdom.
What does Christ’s death and resurrection mean for us and how does it impact our life here and in the hereafter? Find out more here.
The Divine Liturgy is the pre-eminent sacrament of our Church because through this sacrament we are united with Christ. Learn how to participate more fully and become a partaker of God’s mystery.
In the Orthodox Church, there is a bounty of divine services that we can attend. Find out how you can become more involved with religious services that can help you in your communion with God.
Orthodox churches are among the most unique and beautiful buildings in the world. But what do the icons and different symbols all mean? Find out more here.
How do we live as Orthodox Christian families and guard the sanctity of marriage, singleness, and life in a world that fights against our ancient faith?
Learn about Christian parenting, coping with issues of life and death in the family, as well as living as a model Orthodox Christian family.
The New Testament is the story of who we are and what we are meant to be, but ultimately it is the completion of the story of Jesus Christ, the One who saves and allows us to share in His Divine Nature.
The Old Testament is filled with stories of the great heroes of the Bible. Through their lives we not only see who we are , but we also see the Son of God, Jesus Christ, permeate the pages of this ancient, holy Book.